Boys & Girls Clubs of Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio
$5,000 for After School & Summer Education Program for At-Risk Youth
Helps to raise the academic proficiency of Cleveland Public School At-Risk Youth.
Care Alliance
Cleveland, Ohio
$7,500 for Homeless Street Outreach Program
Outreach team works to develop trusting relationships with homeless individuals as they provide them with support services.
City Mission
Cleveland, Ohio
$3,000 for Laura's Home Crisis Center Long-Term Program
Provides case management, adult learning opportunities, life skill classes, employment preparation, child care and support for women who are homeless or in crisis.
Cleveland Foodbank
Cleveland, Ohio
$10,000 for Children's Nutrition Initiative
This Initiative consists of three programs, Back Pack for Kids, Kids Cafe, and Summer Feeding which all provide food to children at risk of going hungry.
Cleveland Kids In Need Resource Center
Cleveland, Ohio
$4,000 for School Supplies
Provides classroom supplies to teachers in schools located in the economically disadvantaged areas of our community.
Domestic Violence Center
Cleveland, Ohio
$10,000 for Emergency Shelter Program
Provides safe shelter, access to basic needs and comprehensive programming for women and children in need of immediate respite from domestic violence.
Legal Aid Society
Cleveland, Ohio
$10,000 for Prevent Homelessness Program
Works to preserve the rights of low-income tenants and helps them avoid eviction and homelessness by holding private landlords accountable.
Marianist Urban Student Program
St. Louis, Missouri
$5,000 for Cleveland Marianist Urban Students Program
Provides tuition assistance, tutoring and mentoring to at-risk students to ensure high school graduation and college entry.
New Life Community
Cleveland, Ohio
$10,000 for Merger of New Life & Interfaith Hospitality Network
Provide financial assistance for the programming, integration, planning and implementation due to the merger of New Life Community and the Interfaith Hospitality Network.
Salvation Army
Cleveland, Ohio
$20,000 for Zelma George Shelter
Provides emergency shelter for homeless families.
Scranton Road Ministries
Cleveland, Ohio
$5,000 for Youth Jobs Partnership Program
Comprehensive job training for students in Cleveland schools.
Seeds of Literacy
Cleveland, Ohio
$2,500 for Operational Support
Provides basic education and G.E.D. preparation classes to empower more adults in the Cleveland neighborhoods to become self-sufficient.
Transitional Housing
Cleveland, Ohio
$6,000 for Operational Support
Provides homeless women with transitional shelter and supportive services.
Urban Community School
Cleveland, Ohio
$6,800 for Scholarship Assistance Program
Provides scholarship aid to students from low-income families.
West Side Ecumenical Ministry
Cleveland, Ohio
$10,000 for Food Centers and Workforce Development Center
Provides emergency assistance and employment training services to low-income individuals.
Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Cleveland, Ohio
$7,500 for Operational Support
Empowers at-risk youth to succeed in school and in the workplace.